Thomas as been an instrumental part of realizing my goals in health, but in business is well. I have been a pretty healthy eater and worked out 4-5 times a week, but the weight wasn’t moving. I began training for my 3rd 70.3 ironman and asked Thomas if he could please assist. I did his reboot program with great success and followed him for about a year with his insightful videos and content. What really grabbed me is his ability to you why things interact and do what the do. Not just saying “hey, eat this like me”.He tells you how eating certain things affect your body. I was tired of not getting results so I wrote to Thomas pleading for some help. I am beyond thankful he did!!! Instantly he dialed me write in with a program and we were off and running. I learned even having healthy food on your plate is not always the answer. It’s the combination of the right healthy foods that are a necessity. I cut 25 lbs while gaining good lean muscle and PR’d my ironman race by 1hour and 15 minutes!
While on this journey Thomas also set me up with amazing marketing skills for my real estate business. He is a ninja marketer and was able to pick up valuable skills and systems. The combination of having amazing energy daily, and cutting edge marketing that’s true and genuine, it took my business to the next level tripling my numbers the year before.
Thomas is always there if a have a quick question whether it be a marketing question or how different omega’s will interact with each other on my plate . His knowledge in both areas are next level and I am excited for our journey in 2018!!
Scott Goshorn, Los Angeles CA.