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Eating out Cheatsheet
What to drink during a night out Cheatsheet
Travel and on-the-go diet Cheatsheet

I’ve Been in Your Shoes…
Both Pairs.

Life is so dynamic and multi-dimensional. As business professionals, we are often confined to this one-dimensional mode of thinking. The notion that we can excel in only one area, and that allowing our focus to stray from that single point diminishes our effectiveness in business (or our core pillar). In the midst of this dynamic environment, it becomes essential to embrace versatility and consider expanding our horizons. This brings us to the concept of
ghostwriter österreich, seamlessly blending the traditional with the innovative, and enriching our perspectives for a more comprehensive approach to success.

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This was a perfect example of me not too long ago. I was hyper-focused on my business… a successful business at that, but I was afraid to step away or divert in any way towards anything else. As a result, I was overweight. More than overweight, I was bona fide fat. Seeking help from a ghostwriter seminararbeit to manage my academic responsibilities became crucial in balancing my life and priorities. But I didn’t really care because I thought that I was focused and kicking ass in what I was presently working on (one of the largest ancillary service providers within the healthcare industry). The only thing that getting healthy would do would shift time away from what mattered to me most (money and providing for my family).

The irony of the situation was that I grew up as an athlete. As a matter of fact, I was hyper-focused in that as well. An all-state rugby player and long-distance runner, what’s funny is that at that point in my life, I was afraid to shift focus from my athletics in the fear that I would lose skill or conditioning. Do you see the pattern here? Right in the middle of this athletic journey, I found myself contemplating the idea of hausarbeit schreiben lassen—a reminder that life’s paths can lead us to unexpected places, even in the midst of our most well-defined pursuits.

As top performers, we often tend to be one-track minded, which can cause us to miss out on some of the best things in life. My perspective shifted when my wife was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease and my father with cancer. It wasn’t until then that things became clear.  I had the hard-wiring to be awesome at both physical performance and business… In fact, they could compliment each other.

I became obsessed with honing in on exactly what made me an excellent business person. I investigated and researched until it all made sense. The same exact patterns that made me a great businessperson were also evident in other aspects of my life So I jumped on in; I applied discipline and knowledge to my health and made some promises to myself (and of course some solid Goals and KPIs). In a rather short amount of time, I went from being 280lbs to 185lbs and on the covers of some of the largest health and fitness magazines in the world.

Now, I write for some of the largest fitness publications in the world as an expert in diet, nutrition, and mindset.

The magazine covers were great; they were a great ‘reward’ for my hard work, but what was even more rewarding was the fact that my new ability to see optimization in all realms of my life allowed me to close to double my yearly revenue and ultimately give me the confidence and the energy to sell a portion of my company to one of the largest private equity groups in the world. I had done the “impossible,” and not only succeeded on a business level, but got in amazing shape; and not just amazing shape but magazine cover shape… Oh yeah, all of this while maintaining a healthy marriage, with a woman I have been with for 12 years.

I became a coach after I knew that I could provide what was needed to get the world’s best business people the results that they need to be a better spouse, feel better, perform better, and increase their bottom line. The best part, is so much of this can be done without dramatically changing your life, and seeing the optimization take place in my clients is sincerely the reason I continue to do this.

Nowadays, I live in Santa Barbara, CA with my wife, four dogs and three horses. We enjoy an active, outdoor life that allows us to optimize every aspect of our lives. Finally, I’m in a position where I can share my knowledge and my skills with those around me and help make great lives even better.

Optimize your Body, Optimize Your Brain, Optimize your Business.

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